As Seen In...
"Worth a visit to Fayetteville alone, The MacPherson House, located on Hay Street near the historic downtown, is an experience you won’t soon forget.
The house, built in 1920, was initially located on the MacPherson estate before it was disassembled and transported across town to its current location.
Each of the five rooms are outfitted with design-forward touches that are meant to create a soothing space with a nod to times gone by. A stand-alone cottage is also offered on the property, ideal for a family of four. Breakfast is served each morning—in the dining room or on the porch—and yoga and massage therapy are available for guests.
Pro Tip: The Chesnutt room, named after Charles Wadell Chesnutt, an African American author (1858—1932), is a guest favorite."
We had the honor of being featured in City View Magazine's October 2020 Edition. Read more about the B&B and discover more about our town in the online edition of City View Magazine.